All posts by Dan

Puzzling Evidence

avestriel crashed again on Sunday and Monday nights — both times around 2:00 in the morning. Strange. It’s been fine since, having made it through Tuesday and Wednesday nights uneventfully. Stranger.

I left the office window wide open on the crash nights, and it got pretty cold in there. It seems unlikely that that could be the cause, but stranger things have happened. (I also had a chance to open up a power supply that’s the twin of avestriel’s yesterday, and was properly horrified at the sight of the great big amoebic blobs of solder that lurked beneath the cover plates. I’d like to believe that something that ugly is the cause of my problems. Of course, if it is, I have to ask the attendant question: is it worth spending any additional money buying replacement parts for machine that’s that old?)

No, I still haven’t backed it up, and I still haven’t brought its replacement up. Too much other stuff to do.

Another Satisfied Customer!

I spent a couple of hours this afternoon walking my new brother-in-law through the diagnosis and repair of the damage done to his computer by a freak moving accident that occurred yesterday. Somehow, relocating the thing between outlets killed its power supply. Don’t ask me to explain how that’s supposed to work, but at least the power supply, an Enermax, did its job by dying without taking any of the more delicate components with it.

The recovery process involved recommending a good power-supply tester, and a good power supply. (He decided to get both at once, figuring that if the problem was his old power supply, he’d save himself a second trip, while if it wasn’t, he could always return the new power supply later.)

Fortunately, it was, the new Antec NeoPower 480 he bought seems to fit the bill perfectly, his machine is once more chugging along, and my sister doesn’t have to cede back the box he handed down to her so that he can play World of WarCraft.

I think this makes the third weekend in a row that I’ve been on the phone doing technical support for members of my extended family. On the one hand, it’s satisfying to help folks get their stuff working again; on the other, I can’t help but feel the occasional temptation to fake a learning disability.

(Then again, it marks one of my few positive accomplishments this weekend, so perhaps I shouldn’t knock it.)

Diseased Lust

It’s no good for me, I know.

First, it’s not at all clear that I need a networked digital music player. Second, if I did, the reasonable thing to do in my instance would be to either get a Squeezebox or build some kind of homebrew solution starting with a Mini-ITX board.

In any event, I definitely don’t need a Sonos Digital Music System. It’s ridiculously expensive, doesn’t natively support Ogg Vorbis, doesn’t support streaming of anything other than MP3, and requires Windows-only software for maximum functionality.

But, dammit, I want that controller.

udev, how do I love thee?

When the final trumpet sounds, and the Linux kernel is called to account, the ledger eternal will bear witness to its numerous crimes and misdeeds — yeah, autofs, I’m looking at you — but udev, the 2.6 device-management infrastructure, will emphatically not be among these. No, it will go in the other column, the one that makes the case for redemption and eternal life.

udev is device management done right, elegantly and with just the right degree of abstraction: it handles USB dongles and PCI cards with equal aplomb, yet its configuration syntax is not so abstruse as to defy mortal aspirations. Quite the contrary, in fact. I was able to go from square one to a working configuration in about half an hour, with a little help.

Using udev, my USB devices can finally have predictable names, regardless of the order in which I plug them in. This in turn means that my fstab entries regarding removable devices and their respective filesystems can finally be something more than a laughable exercise in starry-eyed optimism.

Perhaps I will butt up against, and curse, udev’s limitations in short order, but for the time being, it’s a pure delight to use.

Mister Sleepless

…is Warren Ellis’s sometime nom de plume, mainly when he’s blogging crazy shit that comes to him late at night, but it would also be an apt description of me at the moment, ever since an ill-advised Caramel Macchiato before Sin City on Saturday night threw my sleep schedule into disarray.

Maybe being Mister Sleepless seizes you with a powerful urge to utter the words “Choke on my fuck, Commissioner Gordon” regardless of who you normally are. That would certainly explain a lot, or at least why I was muttering that to myself, and giggling, incessantly as I stumbled around the apartment in a drowsy stupor yesterday afternoon.