All posts by Dan

Kung-Fu Fuck You

I have no idea who The Ministry of Unknown Science are, although it seems not beyond the realm of possibility that their Eric Trueheart is the same as the one who worked on the late, great, lamented Invader Zim as a writer.

In any case, their short film Kung-Fu Fuck-You is a work of brilliance on a par with the cutscenes in Rag Doll Kung Fu, and marks them as a group to watch.

No, I have no idea what the Leprechauns are doing there either.

Sony: Pigfuckers

Mark Russinovich, one of the more badass ninjas of low-level Windows programming and the co-maintainer of the excellent Sysinternals website, recently discovered, while testing his rootkit detector, that Something Unwholesome had made its way onto a system that should by rights have been clean.

Upon investigation, he discovered that he’d inadertently installed it himself when listening to a DRM-encumbered CD, the ironically-titled Get Right With The Man.

This discovery has led to a media furor and very visible tug-of-war, chronicled on Russinovich’s blog, with Sony and Sony’s purveyor of DRM technology, First 4 Internet. First 4 Internet’s programmers clearly don’t understand the nuts and bolts of deep-down Windows programming nearly so well as Russinovich, leading to their advancement of some blatantly false assertions which Russinovich has proceeded to casually blow out of the water. It’d be amusing if the stakes — to wit, users’ right to use media they own on computers they own without worrying that one is going to try subverting the other — weren’t so high.

Russinovich is one of my heroes; his autoruns is on my very short list of absolutely essential Windows utilities. And yet there’s a certain irony lurking just under the surface here. Free-software advocates have argued, sometimes stridently, that proprietary systems are to be avoided because they tilt the balance of power away from ordinary users and towards the Powers That Be. This episode would seem to offer evidence that even extraordinary users like Russinovich are at risk of being bent over the barrel for as long as they choose to be serfs in someone else’s kingdom. Live by the sword, die by the sword, I guess. I suspect it’s too much to hope that the experience will lead him to focus his considerable skills upon free software, but it sure would be nice.

Tim suggested that I make T-shirts declaring “SONY ARE PIGFUCKERS” as an alternative to having the phrase tattoed across my chest. I replied that I could probably cover my costs by selling a few. I’m not sure about an exact design, though.


During one of my recent visits to Chez Dirk, I got to see Linux’s VESA framebuffer console, something I’d previously encountered only in the context of the Gentoo installer, running on a regular system, and I found myself liking what I saw. The higher resolution is gentle on the eyes, and having a viewport of more than 80 columns by 25 lines makes the text-mode experience a lot easier to stomach.

It also happens that I’m in the last throes of yielding to the inevitable, and replacing my 19″ CRT with a 20″ flat-panel: the thought of seeing the VGA text mode, at 640×480, interpolated up to the 1600×1200 native to the monitor is enough to make my eyes hurt in anticipation.

So I spent some time last weekend trying to get vesafb working on one of my boxen as a proof-of-concept. In the end, I succeeded, but… Jeebus. The process highlighted everything that can be other-than-fun about the Linux experience. While it was not quite enough to propel me into the rarefied stratosphere of bitterness currently home to Jamie (“Fuck the skull of ALSA“) Zawinski, it was definitely irksome. Pieces of canonical reference material on the subject were at least one major stable kernel version out of date; others seemed flat-out at odds with reality. There was a bit there where I found myself muttering “VESA: it’s everywhere you can’t quite get to.” I’m better now.

In the deluded but psychologically vital belief that this will somehow help the next poor schmuck down the pike, here’s what I learned in the process of getting vesafb working on a system running Linux kernel 2.6:

  1. In order to even be presented the VESA VGA framebuffer option, you’ve got to build framebuffer support into the kernel. Building it as module won’t do: vesafb is a builtin-only option, so if its parent is modularized, it will be silently hidden from you. Navigate your way into Device drivers -> Graphics support, in the kernel configurator, and enable (with ‘y’, not ‘m’) “Support for frame buffer devices” and “VESA VGA graphics support”. Then dig down another level, into Console display driver support, and enable both “Video mode selection support” and “Framebuffer Console support”. (Again, modules are an inadvisable selection here, given that all of this stuff runs near the very beginning of the boot process, before even the loading of any hypothetical initrd.)
  2. Several of the docs indicate that once you’ve built the framebuffer into your kernel, you can add the option vga=ask to your kernel invocation in LILO or GRUB, reboot, and then enter the number of a graphical mode at the prompt. As far as I can tell, this is a big stinkin’ lie. Let me emphasize that. Big! And stinky! While it’s true that you can specify an assortment of text modes at that prompt, anything that would require a switch to framebuffer mode gets rejected out of hand as invalid. I’m not sure why that is. Casual perusal of vesafb.c suggests that the switch from text to graphics mode must happen while the processor’s still in real mode; presumably by the time the kernel is prompting interactively, we’re already in protected mode, and it’s too late.
  3. You will find, in the Framebuffer HOWTO and various other bits of documentation, a table listing the allegedly-canonical VESA mode numbers. This table, based on the VESA BIOS Extensions 2.0 specification, may or may not correspond to your hardware’s capabilities, especially if the latter’s compatible with VBE 3.0. The best way to find out what your card can actually do is to boot into GRUB, call up a command prompt, and invoke the vbeprobe command, which will spit out a list of mode numers, along with their associated resolutions and color depths. (If’ you’re not running GRUB, I’m very sorry for you. Consider upgrading at your earliest convenience. Seriously.)
  4. Armed with a mode number emitted by vbeprobe, and a little bit of extra arcana from the Framebuffer HOWTO and its ilk, you are now almost ready to get down to business. Add 200 hexadecimal to your desired mode number, convert the result to decimal, and use that value to as the parameter to the vga= argument your bootloader passes to the kernel. (You might be able to get away with skipping the hex-to-decimal conversion, but this varies by bootloader flavor and version; if you’re not in a violently-disinclined-to-fuck-around frame of mind by this point in the process, you haven’t been playing long or hard enough.)

    Here’s a table of values that have worked for me. You are strongly encouraged to determine your own. No guarantee is expressed or implied, not responsible for items lost or stolen, etcetera, etcetera. That having been said, the first of these should be safe enough, since it’s what the Gentoo installer defaults to.

    Decimal value Mode
    791 1024×768, 16 bpp
    792 1024×768, 32 bpp
    794 1280×1024, 16 bpp
    838 1600×1200, 16 bpp

With all this done, you should be able to boot into a high-resolution framebuffer console.

This isn’t needed for the proof-of-concept boot, but you will likely want to pass a few extra options to the vesafb driver once you have things up and running. vesafb tends to be CPU-intensive, since it involves a lot of unassisted memory movement. Compiling support for Memory Type Range Registers (MTRRs) into your kernel, and telling vesafb to use that support, will help mitigate the hit. Back in the kernel configurator, under Processor type and features, make sure that “MTRR (Memory Type Range Register) support” is enabled. Then add video=vesafb:mtrr to your set of bootloader kernel arguments. Actually, depending upon your particular card’s degree of brain damage, you will probably also want to request one of the video-memory-based scrolling modes, either ypan or ywrap. See Documentation/fb/vesafb.txt for details.

To re-summarize the required kernel options, here they are in their raw form, the one native to .config (or /proc/config, if you’re reading them out of a suitably-configured live kernel):


Enjoy. If the preceding text either helps you, or conspicuously fails to help you, in getting vesafb mode working on your system, I’d be interested in hearing about it.

iTunes Gift Certificates

There are two ways to purchase an electronic iTunes Music Store gift certificate: through the Apple Store, and through the iTunes application itself. Never, ever, do it through the Apple Store.

If an e-mailed gift certificate you purchased through iTunes is accidentally deleted, inadvertently tagged as spam, or otherwise lost, voiding and re-issuing it through the iTunes application is trivial. If the same thing happens to a gift certificate you purchased through the Apple Store you are, not to put too fine a point on it, shit out of luck. You will have to contact Customer Service by e-mail and detail your woes, after which they will credit your account with the amount spent and you can try again.

I have to admit that I expected better — much, much better — from a company which has made usability a cornerstone of its brand.

Jakob Nielsen would bitch-slap me

… if only he could be bothered. Last week he published “Weblog Usability: The Top Ten Design Mistakes“; reading it, I found myself thinking, “Check. Check. Check.” I suspect myself to be guilty of violations on every count save the last, “Having a Domain Name Owned by a Weblog Service”.

To Nielsen’s list I would add, “Using Your Blogging Software’s Default Theme Unmodified”, thus ensuring that your site will be a completely unmemorable, cookie-cutter affair, indistinguishable from a slew of others. I’m guilty of that one, too. I hope to do at least some customization in the near future.

“My Buddha sense says…”

“‘You owe it to yourself to check out the amazingly goofy Ragdoll Kung Fu.'”

One reviewer, whom the game’s creators saw fit to cite in their promotional trailer, called it “brilliantly stupid fun.” I don’t think I can put it any better than that. This game has everything, including obvious, bad bald wigs and dope-smoking ninjas. If, after playing it, you don’t think it was worth the $15, I can only shake my head in sorrow for the state of your soul.

The entertainment value of the game itself aside, the fact that a single developer working with friends in his spare time can create something like this and distribute it via Steam in a way that’s commercially viable offers hope that some spirit still lives deep within the shambling bulk of the game industry. Take heart in this thought as you wander the shelves of your local retailer, shifting your gaze passing from one soulless, overproduced, overhyped, would-be blockbuster game after another. It doesn’t have to be this way. Maybe it won’t be forever.

Chi Power!

Crusty Infantry

At several points in the course of the Discworld series Terry Pratchett mentions that Sam Vimes is fond of cutting his toast “into soldiers.” I had no idea what this meant: my mind’s eye envisioned the careful carving of paper-doll shapes into a piece of browned bread, which seemed like a lot of effort to go to at the breakfast table.

However, this morning I happened to run across a pointer, on BoingBoing, to an article about the genesis of a clever and handy toast-soldier stamp; it turns out that the soldier is a simple strip of cut toast optimized for poking through the opening of a soft-boiled egg to mop up yolk.

The new stamp improves upon the tried-and-true soldier by sealing the edges of the cut before toasting, supposedly producing a more structurally-robust unit. If I can find a vendor who’ll ship to the U.S., I might have to order one just for the novelty value.