All posts by Dan

The Thousandth Landing

(With apologies to Bear McCreary, Brendan Adkins, and pretty much everyone at Bungie.)

The staff is a lashing blur, but ‘Otamee is prepared, already leaping up and back as it strikes his chestplate; the glancing blow discharges most of the weapon’s energy into the air, with the remainder just enough to carry him through his roll back into a ready, empty-handed crouch.

The armsmaster watches with a fond approval he’s careful to hide. “Well. At last you move like the heir to your birthright. Time for the next lesson.”

He tosses ‘Otamee an inactive arcstaff grip.

“You’ve learned how to take a blow.” He smiles. “Now you learn how not to have to.”

Evil is due for an ass-poking

Susan Cooper’s The Dark is Rising is on its way to theater screens. Soon. I didn’t get goosebumps watching the trailer or anything. (“I’m an awful liar, aren’t I, darling?”)

If just one line from the first book makes it into the script, I’ll be happy. One line. “A foolish move, friend Smith. We shall not forget.” (And if it happens, it’ll be Christopher Eccleston delivering it. Could anything be more perfect?)